
How to Reset Your Coleman Mach Air Conditioner! (trust me, it's easy)

20th Jul 2023

Coleman Mach Air Conditioner Reset

If you need to reset your air conditioner, there's only two steps. First, you will need to shut it off through the thermostat control. After it has been shut down for 15 seconds, locate the circuit breaker panel and shut if off there as well. Keep it flipped to the off position for at least one minute. Believe it or not, most electronics do need to be cut from power for about a minute in order to fully reset the system. 

Power it all back on in the reverse order and you should be all set. If it's still giving you trouble, we highly recommend looking into the power being supplied throughout your RV as a possible cause. The most common is something call "AC Ripple" or "Dirty DC" and it happens when you are plugged into shore power and your converter/ charger starts to fail and leak AC current over to the DC side of things. You can test this directly at your house battery bank by turning your multimeter to the lowest AC setting and checking at the 12V + and -. If you are getting over 0.5VAC, you need to replace your converter/ charger immediately before causing more damage to the electronics within your coach.